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Gas density is one of the unknown mechanisms on the forefront of hyperbaric research. A recent paper by Gavin Anthony and Simon Mitchell brings together academic research and diving with a new understanding of gas requirements and how gas density can put divers at risk or help keep them safe.
Anthony and Mitchell summarize their research by recommending an ideal gas density of 5.2 g/L, with an absolute maximum of 6.2 g/L. These numbers correspond with air diving at 31 msw/102 fsw and 39 msw/128 fsw, respectively. Below is a gas density calculator (developed by Brendon and used by GUE) you can download to help you safely plan your gases and your future dives. Credit: Alert Diver
Sidemount Reference Material.
One of the better books on the fundamentals of Sidemount Diving is by Steve Davis and can be found for purchase here. It is required reading for all of our sidemount students here at DRDS.
When it comes to knowledge of different Sidemount systems as well as wreck penetration, it would be hard to find anyone more well-versed than Andy Davis . His guide to the different rigs (buoyancy devices) is still the gold standard and can be found here.